Dear Editor,

We have 3 candidates from Orcas running for County Council.  Which one has a better method to run government?  Of the 3, Greg Ayers has, by far, the best approach.  His methods are based on his many decades of experience working with small businesses under tight cash constraints, similar to our County’s financial situation.  If efficient business oriented people, like Greg, run government we would not have to raise our tax rates (like we just did).

Greg’s approach would be to analyze every department function and cost. Then he would start at zero for both the cost and function of county services.  All necessary functions of the county, e.g. safety or legal, would be added to the budget for that service.  Second, he would look closely at all remaining government services, asking; are they necessary? can county government do them best? or can they be done by an outside organization in a less costly and/or more efficient manner?  He recognizes that there are some functions that are best performed by government but there are many that can better be accomplished by non-profit organizations or private businesses.  I have experienced his understanding of these concepts during discussions he and I have had.

Greg Ayers is the candidate with the best approach to running our County government.  He understands the concept of providing quality services on tight budgets.  Please join me in supporting Greg with your vote.

Robert L. Waunch
Orcas Island