Ed Kilduff’s anonymous and frequently vulgar blog is cowardly and hypocritical. And yes it is his blog. If there are any doubters that it is, I suggest you ask Kilduff, Mike Carlson, Dave Cable, or Royce Meyerott, whom I assume will all tell you the truth.

My thanks to Sharon Kvisto, editor of sanjuanislander.com for pulling back the curtain on this wizard of anonymity, as expressed in her website and reprinted on Orcas Issues.

It needs to be added that Kilduff is on the board of the Common Sense Alliance, and that his blog is endorsed by the CSA and Mike Carlson, its President Emeritus. The CSA has a link to Kilduff’s blog on its website, and both the CSA and Mr. Carlson frequently refer their readers and friends to the blog as a source of information supporting their cause and with which they agree.

As almost all entries on the blog are anonymous posts or under fictitious names, they are in effect using Kilduff as their anonymous attack dog while hiding their own names. I’ll leave it to the readers to decide if the term “cowardice” also applies to the CSA, Carlson, and anyone else on the CSA board with the exception of Gordy Peterson. He and Peg Manning, not a board member, post under their real names, to their credit.

Why my accusation of hypocrisy? Because Kilduff’s blog and the CSA demand transparency of public officials and council candidates, while hiding behind anonymity itself. That is as pure as hypocrisy can get.

Kilduff justifies the anonymous posts and fictitious names on his blog in part because of his claimed fear of reprisals to him and his commenters. (Many of the anonymous commenters are suspected of being Kilduff himself.)

If anyone needs to fear attacks, it is the victims of Kilduff’s blog, including current county council members, public officials and employees at all levels, candidates running for County Council, consultants, environmentalists, relatives of these individuals, and critical posters who use their real names.

On the site, I have been compared to George Wallace, and also accused of having foreclosed on poor homeowners when employed by Wells Fargo Mortgage, when in fact I have never worked in the mortgage industry. I am not alone in these unfounded rumors: there was also a recent witch hunt on the site, attempting to prove that a candidate did not have her claimed college diploma. This campaign went so far as to claiming that the fonts on her diploma were bogus and therefore invalidated the diploma.

Kilduff also justifies his actions in part by claiming that anonymity is common practice in the worldwide blogosphere. That may be true, but pornography is also a common practice on the internet. if Kilduff and his supporters want to continue their anonymous vitriol they have the right to do so. Bur our closeknit community deserves better than this.

I am not trying to censor them, which is beyond my powers anyway. However, the public does have the right to criticize them for the use of anonymous posts and fictitious names without fear of reprisals and vulgar retaliation.

David Dehlendorf
San Juan Island