I want to follow up the letter I wrote to correct a few misperceptions I had, and may have given. I talked with the man who removes the signs and is the enforcer for all the county codes. Being only one man, he must be very busy, yet he took the time to talk with me. He was courteous and helpful, and willing to share what information he had, including sending me the sign ordinance part specific to Eastsound.

The Ordinance (section 16.55.300(D) of the San Juan County Code – Eastsound Subarea Plan) as it now stands, states that there can be NO free standing signs anywhere in Eastsound, even on private property.

I’m not sure where the boundaries of ‘Eastsound’ are. Outside of ‘Eastsound,’ a  different section of the Plan states that some free standing signs for events can be put up for short periods of time, but nothing commercial may be advertised.

The sign ordinance was pushed forward by a vocal few, not the many. It is coming under review by the County Council, who have received complaints about it and are aware that it’s flawed. I urge everyone who’s against the sign ordinance to come forward now – write letters and emails to the council, and keep copies to send on to whoever else needs to read them.

Tourists, guests, and residents love and are charmed by our signs and find them informational, helpful, and fun. Now is the time to make our voices strongly heard. Speaking in person during public comment time at a council meeting is especially weighty and gets their attention. Let the Council know the will of the people.

Sadie Bailey