Correction made Sunday, Nov. 15 at 1:45 p.m.

Jon (“Jackie”) Kimura Parker’s Leaves of Gold solo piano performance on Wednesday November 11th was a privilege to hear. Those of us who came together to support this benefit concert for the Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival are describing our experience as “once in a lifetime.”

Thank you, Jackie. Our wish is for you to hear our community of voices in “bravo!” response.  As Jackie and OICMF’s Artistic Director Aloysia Friedmann talk about the evening it is clear that they, too, felt the singular nature of the benefit concert event. Funds from the evening will contribute to the summer Festival’s artists’ fees and IM: In Music education in our island schools.

A caring and powerful volunteer work force, with the guidance of Event Coordinator Patty Monaco, provided an elegant and warm welcome during every moment. Dan Rue donated his tuning of the Steinway for the benefit concert. Leslie Ginnes (and John) of Patina Design created the setting for a pre-concert Champagne Tribute for Legacy Donors, Main Stage, and Fireside Supper, that glowed from within. The imagery of Wade Campbell’s publications shaped our expectations. Anticipation and enjoyment of supper and hors d’oeuvres prepared by Mary Russell and Ron Rebman (and crew) of Orcas Village Store were key components of the evening’s success. Carpe Diem Auctioneer Tony Lee was in his element. Sam and Cynthia Coleman, Valerie and Bill Anders, String in the Mountains (Steamboat Spring) Monique Mead and Andrés Cárdenes, and the Seattle Chamber Music Society, provided the elements of the “Music Adventure Trip” live auction while jeroboams of Festival ’09 premium wines by Thurston Wolfe provided the opportunity for “Wine Adventures”  bidding.

Appreciation goes to Islands’ Sounder, Bullwings, Islands Weekly, and the Orcas Chamber of Commerce e-news, and all those who posted notices for advance coverage of our event.

Volunteers Mary Poletti, Antoinette Botsford, Gregory Books, Linda Slone, Louise Carnachan, Cindy Andrew, Marilyn Andrews, Margie Doyle, Libby Cook, Leslie Seaman, Grant Stone, Vincent Monaco, Phil Burbo, Artha Kass, Marcy Aschoff, Penny Sharp Sky, Anita Holladay, Debora Nichols, Sarah McCulloch, Bill Patterson of Chimayo’s, Geddes and Maryanna Martin of Ship Bay, Duffy King, and Heidi Lindberg were absolutely essential as each assumed multiple tasks with a matchless generosity of spirit.

Thank you to all from,

Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival Artistic Director Aloysia Friedmann and Board Members President Valerie Anders, Vice President Sam Coleman, Secretary Catherine Pederson, Treasurer Rolf Eriksen, and members Marilyn Anderson, Rick Gould, Anita Orne, Glenn Prestwich, Win Rhodes, Mimi Sommerville, and Laila Storch with Executive Director Victoria Parker and Festival Office Manager Joyce Stone.