As 2021 winds down, we want to thank you, the Orcas Island community, for your support of school music through what has been an extended challenging time for teaching and learning music with its myriad adaptations by OISD music teachers and students.

From your warm response to MAG’s ‘Spring Surprise Concert’ video in March and our Fall newsletter, to the full funding of MAG’s appeal for music chair storage carts in the OICF Holiday catalog, you have demonstrated that ‘School Music Matters’ to you, too! Your support for music education means so much to us and to OISD music students, and to the two music teachers.

Our thanks to the Orcas Island Community Foundation as well. We were honored to participate in the 2021 Holiday catalog. You continue to inspire us as you make this community a better place for all.

Visit OIMAG.org to enjoy a wonderful recording of the High School Winter Concert at the Orcas Center on December 9, knowing that you have all helped to create this amazing music program.

Best wishes for a holiday season filled with joyous music and a very happy, healthy new year!


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