— from Patty Miller —

I typically think of summer as the “silly season” given the influx of bodies to our island. Well, in this election year, November has assumed that place. It will be so nice to have a few “no brainers” to check on my ballot when it comes in the mail.

Re-electing Rick Hughes for San Juan County Council falls into that camp for me. When I vote to elect someone to public office, I don’t necessarily expect that I will agree with all of their decisions, but I do hold a couple of key values near and dear to my heart. Those values are honesty, integrity, willingness to work tirelessly to represent their constituents, and an ability to keep an open mind on issues until they have heard from any constituent who chooses to express their opinion.

I have had the privilege to work with Rick both on the County Council, as well as the business owner of our local pharmacy. I can say without hesitation that Rick lives those values each and every day. He travels to Olympia, Canada, and all of the SJ Islands, whenever he feels our voices need to be heard. He has worked to improve customer service to our citizens, to provide a professional work environment for our county employees, and to maintain a smart financial management strategy. I hope you will join me in voting to reelect Rick Hughes to San Juan County Council.