— from Joe Gaydos —

I am voting to re-elect Randy Gaylord as Prosecuting Attorney for San Juan County. Randy is smart, honest, and committed to protecting the people of San Juan County.

As a friend, I’ve spent many hours with Randy running trails all over San Juan County and in wilder parts of the West. Regardless of the weather or his physical state of exhaustion, Randy always remains calm, thoughtful, and positive. His solid character and his skill as an attorney, manager, and Prosecuting Attorney for several decades have enabled him to support the people of San Juan County through numerous landmark decisions. These include helping victims of crime, the county Jet Ski case, island-centered solid waste programs, and advancing transparent public records procedures.

As a wildlife veterinarian, I especially appreciated Randy’s early work protecting the southern resident orca. In 2008, he wrote the first ordinance that established a distance requirement between the killer whales and vessels. The next year, this novel county law became state law, and later a model for federal regulation.

Vote for experience and excellence. Vote Randy Gaylord for Prosecuting Attorney.