— from Cathy Ferran —

I would like to add my support for Proposition 1 on this November’s ballot – aka the small (.05%) real estate excise tax (REET) – which will directly support affordable housing in our county. When I moved here 27+ years ago it was hard to find affordable housing, and it still is today.

OPAL and other housing non-profits have been carrying a burden that has become too large for them to handle alone. Now it’s time for the citizenry of this county to take some responsibility and enact legislation addressing this issue.

I appreciate the efforts of those across this county who worked hard to come up with an equitable solution to the problem. Asking for new buyers to pay a small tax so the people that work here, providing the lifestyle we so appreciate, can afford to live here strikes me as a smart solution to a long-standing problem. Vote YES on Proposition 1.