EWUA members will submit proxy cards over the next several weeks expressing their preferences on who will continue service as directors. The issue is simple: Which group of directors do you trust to move the association forward in a positive way in the years ahead?

Before addressing this question, I share an illustration of a board decision made several years ago.

  • Dating back 10 years EWUA had engaged in conversations wherein EWUA would assume responsibility for providing day to day operational services for Olga and Doe Bay water associations.
  • In 2021 those discussion assumed greater urgency and contractual agreements were reached. EWUA soon took over the service obligations for Olga and Doe Bay. Several months later Rosario approached EWUA, and a similar agreement was reached. (The board was unanimous in approving these arrangements)
  • The agreements were priced so that EWUA would incur a small ‘net margin’ on providing the services, but the real motivation was focused on the water service operators – the EWUA employees.
  • The new arrangements allowed EWUA to attract, train, and retain full time employees, provide medical and retirement benefits, and offer a career path for those so interested. A major consideration in the decision to move forward was the possibility of creating a stable workforce with capacity to service four water associations.
  • The decision was a good one. There has been minimal EE turnover and most EE’s have worked and studied to improve their credentials (certifications). Today we enjoy a much-improved group of highly motivated EEs at EWUA.

Where is the risk in all the turmoil at EWUA and the upcoming recall election?

EWUA employees are the most valuable asset we have. Without their good efforts 24/7 and 365 days per year – our water services might be impaired. As a community and association of members – I urge a recognition of the valuable role our EWUA employees provide and a consciousness of how the outcome of the recall election may impact this talented group.

I support a vote AGAINST the recall of Jim Nelson, Teri Nigretto, Michael Cleveland, and Leith Templin.


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