Wake up people especially current Eastsound Water members. Orcas Community you need to wake up and stand up to all this mean-spirited behavior that is ruining the very fabric of our community and our island institutions. With our freedom of free speech, it is our responsibility to check and verify the words that are published before we react with yet another response of misinformation.

Recently Recall Water has published yet again not only misleading information but downright  things that are not true. Second paragraph in article EWUA Recall Integrity Steve Smith states “Jim Nelson, Teri Nigretto, Mike Cleveland, and Leith Templin – refuse to permit a neutral party to manage the recall  process” This is not true. At the June meeting Jim Cook presented three motions to the board.

Motion 1 was to authorize Rochelle Doyea’s, the members attorney, to review and approve Recall Water’s proposed proxy form.  Jim Cook and all the board members discussed the fact that Rochelle told us that she cannot participate in the recall action (she is the association’s attorney and does not represent any individual or group of board members) so it was voted down.

Motion #2 with its 6 parts was discussed.  Again, it states, Rochelle works with another authorized representative to appoint an independent election inspector. Then, it was discussed. Even though I did agree with most of the motion it was premature and would be irresponsible of us, the board, to vote on this matter to start the process when no recall was submitted.

The board is very familiar with the rules of recall which are clearly stated in our bylaws and the board will follow the Washington State Law and the EWUA Bylaws to the letter. The last motion Jim Cook presented was to allocate $7,500 of the membership’s money for their recall process. Michael Clevland asked for a show of hands of the 40+ members in the room if he should vote for this motion. Only 2 people raised their hands. Again, the board discussed that this was premature to discuss any expenditures before a recall was presented.

Then at our July meeting Jim Cook presented the identical motions again and we hadthe same conversations stating that it was not appropriate at this time and that RochelleDoyea cannot participate in the recall. So, in Steve Smith article where he states “No rationale was stated” is simply not true. Also, incorrect is that he keeps saying that we, the board, are spending outrageous amounts of money to support our position. We are only acting under the advice of our legal counsel to protect the membership.

Farm to Market, (Mike Parnell and Steve Smith) are the ones suing you the membership. Their attorney Carla Higginson, stated in open court they will litigate “until the cows come home”. This is not our lawsuit. They are the ones that brought the lawsuit.  In November 2023 Farm to Market brought us to court to stop the election. The Association’s attorney appeared at the SJC Superior Court, and the judge denied the motion to halt the election. It was later determined by the Board that the most appropriate remedy for the situation would be to appoint the third-place candidate to the vacated seat. Teri Nigretto had 348 votes, Carol Anderson 319 votes and Jim Cook had 135 votes so the board appointed Jim Cook to the third position and was appointed at the first meeting in January.  All parties agreed with that outcome, and we did not hear any dissent on the topic until months later (March 18, 2024). 

Mike Parnell also stated in court this July that only 3 of his 4 votes were counted. There is a video recording of his conversation in the EWUA office last December explainingand showing him that all his votes were counted. This lawsuit by Mike Parnell and Steve Smith has cost you the members so far around $65,000. Why?

The annual meeting for EWUA is set for September. So, all this money and rancor thatSteve Smith and Mile Parnell have caused this association and community is simply unbelievable to me and you should be asking the question why are they doing this?

Their lawsuit is all about having a new election which the Association will have in 60+ days.  By the way, did you know that the last election did have an independent electionsupervisor and was video recorded from the receiving of the ballots, vetting the ballots to the counting of the ballots. Did you also know that the election before that all the electronic ballots were manage by Steve Smith alone with no oversite. Steve states in his “Declaration for Summary Judgement” on March 18, 2024, I quote “I ran the board election for EWUA for 2022”

Also, the article written by Carol Anderson about her Recall Water Booth in last Saturday’s Farmer’s Market is also libelous in my mind to me and Teri Nigretto. It isagainst the Farmer’s Markets rules and purpose for such a stand to participate. Caroltook advantage of the fact that she had been a market participant by selling her art in years past and did not inform the market manager what she was really doing. When themarket manager and the president of their board saw Carol’s booth and it was not whatshe had told them it would be, she was instructed by the manager and board president to
remove all their signs and material. What Carol was displaying and handing out is against the rules and regulations for the Farmer’s Market. Carol, Michael Riordan and Fred Klein continued to sit there until 2pm handing out water bottles. Teri Nigretto was also there to answer any questions that people might have.

We as a community need to stand up to this mean spirited, bullying behavior. So many good, smart, well intended community minded people will never sit on our boards again and ones considering, well why on Earth would anyone put themselves and their families out there dedicating hundreds of uncompensated hours to be persecuted in social media?

I have worked for over the past 45 years on multiple boards with some of the best most knowledgeable, kind, community-minded people ever from Robert Lundeen to Tim Fuller and currently with Jim Nelson. I have always put my community first and done the very best I know how. I have always been known for my straight shooting, honest, and conservativeness with public and private organizations money. This attack on me is personal and it hurts. So, this is my call to you, fellow
community members, to stand up and help stop this unkind behavior and please think and do some research before you write or respond to anything on social media.

I am extending an invitation to any of our members to call the EWUA office and make an appointment with me to sit down and look at any and all of the financial information that you want to see or have questions about.


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