— from Colleen O’Brien —

It is so gratifying to learn that the University of Washington has reassessed the needs of our community and is willing to serve all patients at the Clinics regardless of varying situations. Wonderful! But that’s not the important part. The commissioners are! They are the ones who will oversee the clinic into the future to make sure it is meeting the needs of our Orcas Island whether it is run by the U of W or by another entity.

Luckily, we have a sterling group of people running for the medical commissioner positions! Here are two I would like to recommend for your consideration:

Diane Boetler, MD is a respected physician who has a unique view of the island’s medical history and the particular needs of the people of Orcas. I have also found Diane to be a smart, level headed person willing to work to understand. My opinion is that her background and skills would give us a knowledgeable commissioner.

Art Lange has contributed countless hours to community studies and needs. He is a person who enjoys rolling up his sleeves to make his community run effectively and if you notice, he is usually smiling while he’s at it. He has been generous with his time and assistance when needed. His knowledge of institutions and how to make them run smoothly and effectively would be a boon to our Clinic.

Thank you for your attention and don’t forget to vote!