— Kate Long, Arla & Sam Sutton

Did you recently read that a 2020 Orcas High School grad received a prestigious Amazon scholarship for the second year in a row?

Have you heard that Orcas public schools, despite their small size, offer an incredible variety of programs including Farm to Classroom, career tech, AP classes, music, athletics, and social-emotional learning programs?

Did you know that when COVID-19 arrived in the US some schools in other parts of the country stopped teaching, but that Orcas switched gears and with almost no notice converted to remote learning?

This August you will have the opportunity to support Orcas public schools in the primary election by voting YES on the Education Programs and Operations Levy. This levy provides nearly 20% of the district’s annual budget and is a four-year continuation of the current levy. Annually it represents an approximate cost of $435 for a home assessed at $500,000 ($0.87 per $1,000 assessed value). The new proposed rate is less than the current levy rate and will not increase after it is placed.

Now more than ever Orcas public schools need your support. Invest in our future leaders! Join us in voting YES this August for the Education Programs and Operations Levy. We can’t afford not to.