— from John Evans —

I am writing to urge our community on Orcas to vote in favor of the Fire/EMS levy.

Wanda and I have first hand experience with the Department. I was a volunteer fire fighter for 15 years and Wanda was an EMT for 13 years. We “retired” because with age, I was more likely to be a recipient of the emergency service than a provider.

The department has grown as our community and needs have grown. We have an excellent Chief who is responsible for keeping the many moving parts of this organization functioning 100%. There is no room for oops or good enough.

One uncontrollable aspect of the budget is the never ending and expanding State requirements for training and equipment. Fire and EMS Districts do not have the option of getting along with old equipment or limited training of volunteers and staff.

There has been some negative comments about the department as part of this levy request. I can’t tell you if the car in the ditch matter should have been handled differently or if the coffee budget for the volunteers is too high. To me these are minor issues that can crop up in any complex organization.

I can tell you that I have full trust in the current Fire Chief and believe the department he runs is of the quality that all of us expect. I believe the budget that has been put forward for the voters is what the department, staff and volunteers need to continue their excellent service into the future.

Please vote to pass the levy request.