— from Janet Brownell, Tony Ghazel, Scott Lancaster, and Chris Sutton —

In the past, the four of us have all been on the Orcas Island School Board. Collectively, we have decades of service to our public schools. We have served together, and separately. There are times we did not always agree – but we always came to consensus.

There is one thing, however, on which we always agreed – and that is the importance of the school levies. The Educational Programs and Operations levy before you on the current ballot is a replacement for an expiring levy. Without this funding, 20% of the school budget will need to be cut. A 20% cut to staff and operations is not workable – and most probably catastrophic.

In our prior positions as school board directors, we were not in a position to advocate for such ballot initiatives. We could inform – but could not ask you to vote YES.

We are asking you to vote YES.

Please support this critical funding to our schools. If the state and federal governments cannot do right by our children, we as a community can. VOTE YES to the Orcas Island Educational Programs and Operations levy.

Thank you.
Janet Brownell (OISD school board 19 years)
Tony Ghazel (OISD school board 14 years)
Scott Lancaster (OISD school board 12 years)
Chris Sutton (OISD school board 8 years)