I am a member of the Eastsound Water Users’ Association – I have been for over 30 years. My opinion of Jim Nelson, Teri Nigretto, Mike Cleveland and Leith Templin is that they are immensely capable as directors of EWUA. They have integrity, honesty and are hardworking, not only in their position on this board, but as valued members of this community.

To recall these highly qualified people is foolish beyond belief.

Opposition to them is based on a desire by a group who want to take control of the association and turn it into a private business. And the reason for recalling Nelson, Nigretto,Cleveland and Templin who are opposed to this action, is to install in their place members of their choice who will vote to change EWUA which would no longer be a membership-involved commodity.

Our abilities to vote on how our association would be run – all gone (and incidentally this includes and affects water users of Rosario, Olga and Doe Bay)! No power to vote on costs spent and profits would be assigned to a single owner. Loss of protection by bylaws, no control of rate structure or any say in management practices.

Supporting this recall does not work in any way for the members of EWUA. We need our voting rights and voices heard to run our own association.

Please vote against this recall.


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