On behalf of the Paula Towne’s 6th grade class at Orcas Elementary School, we would like to thank OIEF and Valerie Anders for their generous donations to help support the annual field study experience this fall to the Olympic Peninsula’s NatureBridge (formerly Olympic Park Institute (OPI)).  NatureBridge is rated first in the country for science field learning for children.  Ms. Anders is a former Chair of NatureBridge.

Together with class fundraising activity this summer, the donations have made the trip accessible to everyone.  A week at NatureBridge is not only an amazing, enriching outdoor learning experience for the class, it is an important bonding time for the group as they learn and live together at our nearby stunning Olympic National Park.  The annual “OPI” week feels like a rite of passage in the 6th grade, eagerly anticipated in elementary school and remembered fondly by upper level students.  This wonderful week long trip is often a child’s first significant time away from home.  We are grateful for your donations to continue the tradition and help our children learn and build memories with their classmates and teacher.

from Sarah Lyle and Steve Thompson