— from Diane Martindale for San Juan Islands Museum of Art —

We live in a community of openhearted people who in quiet ways assure that many of our non-profit services are alive and robust. They don’t ask for big rounds of applause; they are happy to see our community thrive in all possible ways.

One, the San Juan Island Community Foundation recently provided a $5000 grant to the San Juan Islands Museum Art (SJIMA). The monies are intended to support residents and students with enrichment and awareness of the abundant programs and benefits of SJIMA. It also provides a more complete educational experience for visitors to the exhibits.

Educational materials make us well-informed citizens, who are able to participate in all our dynamic community has to offer. To mention
a couple, we continue our year-round Family Art Days, Art For Fun
programs, stunning exhibitions, as well as bring awareness to
student tours and National Screen-Free Week opportunities.
For several years most of the program and exhibition work at SJIMA
has fallen to dedicated volunteers, not paid staff; and that is still the
case. These funds bring those collective efforts to their fullest
potential benefit to island residents. SJIMA’s volunteers, board and
staff would like to express our gratitude for the partnership with
SJICF, and their support and confidence.

The SJICF makes it possible for us to fulfill our mission. They make a dramatic difference in our quality of life here; thank you.