Today is National Public Health Thank You Day. When governmental Public Health works, we take it for granted. For more than 100 years, when free of political interference and with adequately funding, PH workers have successfully promoted health and prevented diseases including smallpox, polio and Ebola. Soon, federal and individual responsibility may free them to prevail against this current pandemic.

“Improving the public’s health is not an impossible quest, it requires a 24 hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week, commitment to safer, healthier, and stronger communities. It is about people who devote their knowledge, time and talent to health promotion, disease prevention and ensuring access to care. They do this with a goal of achieving health equity and the best possible health for all. To the public health workforce: thank you not only for what you do, but for the passion, empathy, and inclusiveness you bring to this effort, especially during the SARS-Cov-2 Pandemic.” Georges Benjamin, MD, executive director of the American Public Health Association (APHA).

Yes, thank you, SJ County Public Health staff and all the public employees who have worked every day to protect our community. And thanks to everyone in the community who have helped them keep the Orcas Island community safe thus far!

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