— from Tom Eversole for Orcas Senior Center —

Dr. Mike Alperin, Chief of the UW Medicine Orcas Island Clinic discussed Medicare Annual Wellness Visits with seniors on April 24. These visits allow seniors to discuss health risks and prevention measures with a medical professional. Medicare covers the cost of the visit, and there is no co-pay for the patient.

Dr. Alperin explained that the visit focuses on health promotion and is not a physical exam. The first annual visit is in-depth and may include a consideration of screening tests as well as advance care directives. Seniors who want a physical exam, diagnosis or treatment of existing health problems, should schedule a separate, problem-focused visit, so that billing to Medicare and any supplemental programs is clear and handled successfully. When in doubt about coverage or costs, patients should ask.

We thank Dr. Alperin and UW Clinic staff for their efforts supporting seniors and healthy aging in our community.