— from Bill Griswold —

Will the internet go the way of our political system or will it continue to be operated for the benefit of citizens as a whole? As of now, we have a battle to take democracy back and end the rule of big money (corporations). As of now we still have a chance to preserve net neutrality (a free and open internet). The link below will give you many of the pros and cons of the arguments. It is urgent to get informed and make your comment to the FCC at Send Us Your Comments | FCC.gov.

A Free and Open Internet: The Latest from the Frontlines

In my opinion the and that of Michael Copps, former FCC Chairman, the simplest way to protect internet freedom in the near term is for the FCC to simply reclassify the internet as a telecommunication service that can be regulated. They have the power to do it now. They need to hear from you at Send Us Your Comments | FCC.gov.

Time is short. Do it now!!!