— from Patrick Shepler, Firefighter/Paramedic / Friend —

There is an old concept about three basic human attributes. This metaphor was highlighted in a recent movie. It says the world has three types of people: Sheep, Wolves, and Sheep Dogs.

Steve was a Protector; a Sheep Dog. Steve dedicated his life to the missions of both the fire service and EMS.

Steve saw things that the public he served, “the Sheep,” pay and pray they never have to see. As a Sheep Dog, Steve did amazing things in an amazing career, both before and during his tenure as Fire Chief of San Juan Island.

Chad Kimple and I visited Steve a few weeks ago. We shared California stories and Florida stories. Stories of the “old days. Stories of how to “do the right thing.” Stories of circumnavigating the ignorance, short sightedness, or outright self-serving whims of both Wolves and Sheep. We also shared the toll it takes, giving your all in a life and death business.

We shared stories and laughed. When we left his room we knew we were in the presence of greatness.

Steve Marler was a great leader and true Protector. The world is a better place for his presence in it, and a little smaller now that he is gone…but never forgotten.