What does it take to be a Sheriff of our diverse multi- Island rural county? We’re not a large metropolitan area, so policing must be appropriate to our island community.

I have known Sheriff Krebs ever since I helped to elect him years ago. Wanting to be more informed, I had called him, asked if he’d meet with me. We met at Darvill’s, talked for a long time. He never once looked at his watch, and answered every question. I did not let him off lightly. Out of that conversation came my realization that here was a man who loves his community and is dedicated to serving it.

In his own words:

“I am a deeply committed family man, and just as committed to the community which I consider to be my family. I have a long career in management-not just as a supervisor. I know and understand the dynamics of a small rural community and its’ residents. We’re not a big city, nor do we need the big city attitude towards policing. I lead with compassion and caring, always looking for ways to keep the community safe; while getting help to stop committing crimes for those who need it. I’m about relationships. I believe if you surround yourself with good people, you’ll be successful-as evidenced by the relationship we have with the community.”

I lived in Miami during the Watts crisis, lived on Islands in North Carolina, the Caribbean and in Los Angeles; so I understand how important correct, caring, dedicated policing is to the health of an island community. Mutual trust and respect between police and community.

The truth is, if you haven’t lived here for very long, you may still not quite understand what makes an island tick. Being a third generation islander, Sheriff Krebs know this.

Let’s talk about the commitment that being Sheriff of these islands takes. Its a 24/7 job: Do you realize we have a medical water taxi? Particularly in the winter when the air ambulance can’t fly , it’s very busy. Who runs that? It’s not in the Sheriff’s job description, but HE does it…..middle of the night, or after a busy work day, he does it.

Did you know that when all the police defunding stuff was going on elsewhere, our islanders sent letters of appreciation and support to Sheriff Krebs and his Department saying how much they were appreciated?

Do you think they would have done that if they didn’t think Sheriff Krebs was a good leader of a good department?

So get to know our Sheriff. If you don’t understand what he’s about, contact him, he’s approachable. Or call me. I’ll be happy to talk with you about him.

I’m voting for Sheriff Ron Krebs. I hope you do, too.

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