The Brotherhood/Sisterhood of the fire service is steeped in tradition, and the dedication of the Brothers and Sisters who work there can only truly be understood by persons who have experienced and entrenched in that life firsthand. Patrick Shepler is that person! 

In order to be healthy and run efficiently, there must be a cohesiveness and cooperation between its service members, the local fire administration, and elected officials who all share the common goal of serving the public. Experience at one level is helpful. However, Patrick can speak from experience that has been gained by moving up through the ranks. In order for the Orcas Fire/Rescue to be a healthy and safe place for its members, the Fire Commissioner, Fire Chief and rank and file firefighters must all have the support, trust and commitment from one another and the community they serve.

Patrick Shepler is the best person for this job. Let’s all support him for Fire Commissioner!

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