— from Orcas Education Association —

The teachers of Orcas Island School DIstrict would like to ask our community for your support to vote for the replacement Levy for our schools on the Aug. 4 ballot.

This is a Levy that helps to support 20% of our total annual operating costs. Without your support we would be at a great loss. This year’s Levy tax rate estimate may be lower than our current levy rate, so our need is greater for this levy to pass.

63% of this replacement Levy funds our educational enrichment which includes one in five teachers, one in five support staff, athletic programs, music programs, technology and basic education. 24% will support the upkeep of our facilities and our maintenance team and the remaining 13% will support special education. The estimated cost for taxpayers for 2021 and 2022 will be $0.87 per $1,000 of assessed property value and $0.89 per $1,000 for 2023 and 2024. For more information please go to www.Orcasislandschools.org

Thank you for helping to support our children’s education at Orcas Island School District.