— from Michael Karp —

Rick Larsen’s corporate campaign contributions from Navy Growler stakeholders pose a severe conflict in representing his constituents’ interests when it comes to addressing the impacts of Growlers on our well-being, our declining population of orcas, declining property values from noise impacts, and poisoning of water on Whidbey Island and the Salish Sea. (See Quietskies.info for more info on the Growler related issues.)

Air transport, defense aerospace and oil&gas are among the top five industries that contributed to Larsen’s campaign according to ballopedia.org. Additionally, OpenSecrets.org reveals that weapon and aerospace manufacturers such as Boeing, Honeywell, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, and Northrop Grumman top his list of principal contributors.

Larsen has put out a PR piece about how he met on Lopez Island with some concerned citizens and he is “working to find solutions.” How fast and effectively do you think he will be doing that given the source of his contributions? I have no confidence in his ability and interest in successfully addressing this issue on our behalf. I believe it is time for a new Congressional representative from our District and urge you all to do due diligence and use your voting power to demand a change to a candidate with stronger campaign finance integrity and uncompromised ability to serve the constituents.

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