I strongly endorse Rick Hughes for County Council and urge my fellow islanders to do so as well. Rick shows us how local government can be about pragmatism and accomplishment, instead of turning into another arena for partisan battles. Rick has focused his time in office on getting things done, building the relationships needed to do so, and not worrying about whether he fits anyone else’s idea of a politician.

Rick has been instrumental in too many projects to name individually, but his legacy spans all of our islands, and from roads to parks to ferries to affordable housing. And that’s before we talk about his steady and thoughtful leadership during this pandemic, helping us steer a path between “shut it all down” and “open it all up”. Rick has been central to the policy that has kept us safe while keeping our economy moving as well as can be the case.

I am proud to call Rick a friend, I am proud to vote for him again, and I look forward to his leadership on our County Council. Join me and vote to retain steady, pragmatic leadership on Nov. 3rd.

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