— from Boyd and Lovel Pratt —

We thank Representative Kris Lytton for her service to the 40th District and wish her well in her retirement. Kris Lytton did so much to support education in our state. We now need a leader who will work effectively to ensure the future for all of our children and grandchildren.

Alex Ramel is the candidate who will best represent the 40th District. Alex has the skills and the experience to address the challenges we face today. Alex is a careful listener and a coalition builder. His endorsement by both the Washington Conservation Voters and by the United Steelworkers (Anacortes refinery employees) showcases his ability to bring people together.

We need a State Representative who will build coalitions to protect the Salish Sea. Our islands’ economy and our quality of life are inextricably entwined with the health of our environment.
As an environmental organizer, Alex is a leader in opposing the Tesoro refinery’s petrochemical expansion project and has worked alongside First Nations and provincial leaders in British Columbia to oppose the trans mountain pipeline expansion and protect the Salish Sea from the increased threat of oil spills and vessel traffic impacts to the Southern Resident Killer Whales.

Learn more about Alex at www.alexramel.com/. Please join us in voting for Alex Ramel for State Representative.

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