— from Eleanor Hogue —

A piece of legislation is working its way through the Washington State Legislature that would reinforce our San Juan County immigration ordinance by limiting state and local entities from assisting with federal immigration enforcement activities. It is called the Keep Washington Working Act; in the Senate as SB 5497 and in the House as HB 1815. Rep. Debra Lekanoff is a co-sponsor of the House bill.

I am writing to encourage people to take two minutes to support these bills.

Nearly one million Washingtonians are immigrants and make up 16% of the workforce. Many immigrants (and others) are being profiled, stopped, and harassed. We are lucky that San Juan County officials serve all local residents regardless of immigration or citizenship status. But a state-wide approach will ensure that all Washingtonians feel safe and that all businesses and industries across the state continue to thrive.

By reducing this needless burden on local law enforcement officials, the Keep Washington Working Act will allow them to focus on the communities they serve. State and local involvement in immigration enforcement makes all of us less safe by deterring some Washington residents from coming forward to report crimes and other public safety concerns.

Please support these important bills and make your voice heard.