— from Justin Paulsen —

This election cycle, both on the local and national level, has presented us with some very divisive rhetoric. It seems to be the political standard. Too much is written and gossiped about why we shouldn’t vote for one candidate or the other and not nearly enough about why we should. On a local level, I truly believe that anyone willing to put themselves before the public as a political candidate is worthy of praise. Local politics involve pointed, specific, and often personal attacks that have as much to do with the candidates ability to do their job as they do with their chosen attire on any given Saturday morning.

And so it is with this in mind that I write in support of Nick Power for the office of Prosecuting Attorney for San Juan County.

In my interactions and discussions with Nick I have found him to be a thoughtful and concerned citizen that has chosen San Juan County as a home for his family for many of the same reasons that I have. His understanding of the role of the Prosecuting Attorney as not only an advisor to the county offices but an advocate for county residents aligns with my beliefs of the intent of the office. His interests in the application of both county and state law are not rooted in affiliations to outside or special interests, but instead in assuring that law is applied equally, fairly, and above all transparently. I believe Nick will hold himself and his office to those same ideals. His willingness to step into difficult discussions such as addiction and mental health in our community, seeking to work towards creative solutions, is necessary to make forward progress on these complex and difficult issues. I believe he is the right candidate for right now.

It is with appreciation for the efforts and contributions of both candidates that in this election, I encourage a vote for Nick Power.