— from Susan Malins —

The Port of Orcas presented DOWL‘s alternative options for their Master Plan choices & requested comment.  The vast majority of citizen comments favored “No Build/No Growth” with minor improvements, for a variety of good reasons stated (partially available at portoforcas.com) Hundreds of islanders signed a petition favoring the same.

Last week many of us attended the “big reveal” Port/DOWL events, viewed The Plan, listened to presentations, asked questions.

TO DATE our “No Build/No Growth” input has been ignored.  The currently proposed plan/expansion is at odds also with the County Vision Statement and the EPRC Vision Statement. This “Follow the consultants” approach (with a $600,000. price tag!) has produced a draft plan wildly out of sync with islanders’ self-determination.

Some concerns:

  • The port’s demonstrated limited ability to deal properly with wetland issues;
  • Allowing B2 commercial planes to dictate Port needs;
  • Mt. Baker Road relocation;
  • Increased noise, traffic & congestion;
  • Lack of mitigation/noise abatement plans;
  • Negative impact on the vital Brandts’ Landing marina;
  • Developing the former dog park corner into a mini-industrial park with new hangars, parking, a helipad, taxiways, and relocated terminal +++;
  • A commercial park at the end of the already-beleaguered Seaview neighborhood;
  • Requiring privately-held property to the west and east, seriously affecting neighborhood property rights and values;
  • Lack of economic & other impact studies; ETC.

Any & all further public comments are due by October 4 .  PLEASE SPEAK UP NOW to your elected commissioners & orcasmasterplan@dowl.com.