— from Randall and Marny Gaylord —

The Gaylord family supports Dr. Diane Boteler for the Orcas Hospital District Commissioner and asks that you vote for her, too.

We strongly believe the Commission should have a doctor as a member, especially when revitalizing the rural health care system on Orcas Island. Dr. Boteler has made a life and career as a doctor on Orcas Island. Dr. Boteler knows rural medicine in the northwest having worked for 20 years in general medicine on Orcas Island and Friday Harbor and she also knows the state-of-the-art medicine from practicing in Bellingham.

The Commission will need smart representatives, and that doesn’t come from training at the best colleges (which she has done). It comes also from developing relationships throughout this community and the larger health care community. Dr. Boteler excels at relationships because she is prompt, earnest, kind, and sincere, with the ability to understand people and situations. Dr. Boteler has shown that she can translate what she knows to improved health care for your family and ours.

Please vote for Dr. Boteler.