I am writing to express my concern about the increasing trend of partisan endorsements in non-partisan races, specifically I question the use of seeking partisan endorsements in our local NON Partisan races for those seeking election to the San Juan County Council.

Non-partisan races are designed to ensure that candidates are evaluated based on their qualifications, experience, and vision for the community, rather than their political affiliations. The introduction of partisan endorsements undermines this principle and risks polarizing the electorate. It shifts the focus from the issues that matter most to our community to party politics, which can be divisive and counterproductive.

Our community deserves leaders who prioritize local issues and work collaboratively to address them, regardless of political party lines. When candidates seek and accept partisan endorsements, it raises questions about their ability to remain impartial and serve all constituents fairly. It also suggests that their decisions may be influenced by party agendas rather than the best interests of the community.

I urge my fellow voters to critically evaluate all candidates in non-partisan races based on their merits and commitment to our community, rather than their political endorsements. Let’s strive to keep our local elections focused on what truly matters: the welfare and progress of our community.


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