As we approach the two-year anniversary of the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, we begin to reflect upon the opportunities and challenges that have been thrust upon our staff, families, students, and community throughout this unprecedented time.

The demands and expectations placed upon our staff over the past two years have been unparalleled.  Our staff stepped up and excelled at balancing the health and safety, social/emotional well-being, and learning of our students with such dignity and grace, all the while coping with the pandemic on a very personal level with their own families and loved ones.

These folks are heroes…….role models.  They came to work every day and embraced their roles and shook off their fears for the sake of our students. They experienced all of the emotions we have all experienced throughout this difficult time, and they were here at school giving all they had to our students, your children. I am so proud and humbled to be part of such a great TEAM.    

It is my great pleasure to share that the OISD School Board of Directors and I presented OISD staff members with a $1,000 stipend today to show our gratitude for their display of exemplary strength, compassion, and tireless devotion to our students in the face of a pandemic.


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