— from Susan Malins —

In early 2018 many of us assumed that the Orcas airport was running smoothly, keeping it simple and providing good services. The Port of Orcas is loved and valued in this community, though our confidence is now shaken.

The Master Plan process came to my attention in the early summer of 2018. Of course I went to the Port website to learn more, expecting to find a variety of Port documents, and information about the Master Plan. Documents were sorely lacking, as was any current information. I became concerned, knowing how the Port had mishandled earlier wetland changes, and that they were now mid-way in the MP process without providing sufficient public information. So I went to a public meeting, where it was explained that the Port was saving money by not keeping its website information current. That did not seem plausible.

Neither did it seem plausible that, after repeated public requests over many months, the Port was still dragging its feet about releasing the names of the Master Plan Advisory Committee members. Today we know that they are almost exclusively owners and representatives of companies that do business with the Port, and told that they had four meetings. Where are the minutes or actions recommended by the Advisory Committee to our Port Commissioners? Unfortunately the answer to this and many questions are available to the public only through a Public Records request. We the public are apparently not considered stakeholders in this matter?

The consultant DOWL, for the Port, requested public input about four options moving forward, from “no build with minor improvements” to “full buildout.” The overwhelming public response favored “no build with minor improvements”. Now we are told by DOWL, and apparently the Port, that “no build with minor improvements” was never really an option at all. They have selected, & are proceeding to formalize, basically a “full buildout”.

The plans are now taking off toward FAA finalization with the speed of a jet plane. The potential ramifications for Orcas Island are beyond startling. The MP does not consider legal or other constraints, & DOWL claims that those will be considered after the Master Plan is finalized. Unfortunately it’s impossible to verify such a statement. That is truly the cart before the horse, violating common sense & constraining future public or commissioner involvement in Port decisions.

I know that our neighbors the Port Commissioners are dedicated to serving the greater good of the Port of Orcas and the people you’re elected to represent. I thank you for your service!

Because you are responsible for how this all moves forward, and for directing the consultant DOWL and your staff, I want to share with you some of the best advice I’ve ever received:

“When in doubt, pause.”

There are many doubts and valid public concerns about the current trajectory of the Port Master Plan. The irregularities in this process have been and are significant! I understand that your Executive has resigned, and this may be a window of opportunity to shift gears. The Port has caught our attention. We the public care about the Port, and public support can be a wonderful thing.

So, Please. Pause. And save us all a lot of grief.

PS I have tried to send this to all port commissioners, but am told that their addresses are incorrect. Tony Simpson has said that he copies commissioners on all letters, so I entrust this communication to him for forwarding. Thank you!