— from Alex MacLeod —

Dear OPALCO board members:

I would like to clarify the facts regarding the charge given to the volunteer elections committee.

In his report to you in June, Foster listed the following as the charge to the committee:

  1. Nominating committee
  2. Election details and candidate outreach
  3. Balloting materials
  4. Candidate forums protocol
  5. Voting process

Foster’s list followed an April 22 OPALCO press release regarding Rock Island’s blatant step to influence the election. It said “The questions that came up at today’s meeting will be examined, such as: How does the nominating process work? Should OPALCO hold candidate forums? How should incumbents be listed on the ballot? Should the timing of candidate forums be changed?”

It is disingenuous for Foster now to say that the charge to the committee was broad enough to delve into the make-up of the board, and further to expend OPALCO resources promoting those recommendations in member meetings and encouraging the board to hold a special meeting, ahead of the opportunity for member comment, to advance those recommendations.

It puzzles me why you accept having to spend your time cleaning up Foster’s many messes. First, he manages the finances so poorly that a loan covenant is violated, a corrective plan has to be submitted to our lender and the board is forced to raise rates twice in four months to maintain compliance.

Then he stands by as Rock Island, of which he is general manager, sends out an email trying to influence the board election, and then defends that action when challenged. It is only after you apparently made it clear to him that this was unacceptable that he apologized and said it wouldn’t happen again. In the meantime, the credibility of OPALCO was further damaged.

You shouldn’t lose sight of the fact that there would have been no need for a member committee to look at the election process had Foster not so badly mismanaged it in the first place. And then he lets the committee run widely off course and subjects the organization, and you, to more questions about actual intent of management and of you — especially in the face of the overwhelming membership rejection of a similar proposal a few months ago.

That you have been so accepting of his mismanagement must explain why he felt it was reasonable for him recently to ask you to raise his salary to $250,000. That you didn’t agree is to your credit; that you haven’t dismissed him is not.

As I have suggested many times over the past three years, and did again at the “open house” on Shaw, the key to restoring the level of trust that OPALCO previously enjoyed from its members is to be honest about the investments OPALCO actually has made in support of its entry into the Internet business and what the impact of those has been on electric rates. If you truly believe this is a smart business venture, as well as an important public-service contribution for the cooperative to make, then defend it honestly. Until you do, you can expect the lack of trust to grow.

Further, advancing the recommended changes in the board make-up in any way — either by acting on them on your own or putting them before the membership this spring — will further erode trust.

Finally, I noted in the last board packet the staff’s request that the board “review” Rock Island’s governance structure. It was bad enough that management presented the board and the membership last spring with Rock Island financial and operating statements that privately had been lowered by about 20% from what had been presented publicly in the 2016 budget process. It is also a bad sign to members that the board has refused to let the membership see Rock Island’s latest business plan, of considerable interest given the significant investment of member dollars and previous plans showing Rock Island becoming the goose that will lay golden eggs of profit for OPALCO. Taking any further steps to cloak Rock Island in secrecy will only further erode membership trust in the board and management, especially when we discover there will be no golden eggs.