— from Christopher Evans —

I don’t know where to begin. As someone who voted for you and who has been your supporter, I can’t express my disappointment in your leadership. Especially since it seemed like you were in inches of doing the right thing at the Council meeting and then swayed by Jamie Stevens and his semantical word play between Pause and Withdraw. 

I don’t know who you’re talking to that thinks you’re doing the right thing here, but EVERYONE I talk to feels the council is taking us down the wrong path. To quote the Washington State Secretary of Health John Wiesman:

“In these trends, we are seeing the impact of our collective decisions. We are jeopardizing the gains we made as a state with the Stay Home, Stay Healthy order and the actions each one of us takes now will determine what happens next. If we want to send our kids to school in the fall and avoid new restrictions, we must all make a conscious shift in the way we live our lives. That means staying at home as much as possible, reducing how many people we see in person and continuing to wear face coverings and keep physical distance in public.”

Is that what I’m seeing in the San Juan Islands? A conscious shift? Staying at home?

So now, the conversation is shifting not from whether or not to move to Phase 3, but whether we need to pull back to Phase 1. (Which nobody wants, but may now be a reality.) Because the county council bowed to financial pressures and chose to serve the Tourist economy over the local economy and its residents, you hedged your bets and hoped like a miracle the whole thing would disappear. Your gamble failed And we still don’t know its cost. And now with your non-decision at the last council meeting you’ve chosen to kick the can of little bit further down the road.

You are the chair of the County Council and a community member of Orcas Island. Will you please start acting like it?