— from Tom Owens —

I would like to thank OIEF (Orcas Island Education Foundation) and let the community know that with their donation of $5,000 the ERIP (Early Reading Intervention Project) is now funded for this summer and part way to funding 2020. This program is going to be a success due to wonderful community support.

Many people do not know just how much OIEF is doing for education in our schools. Some of the major programs OIEF has funded this year:

  • Training for English Language Learners
  • Farm to Classroom program
  • A-OK (Art for Orcas Kids) program
  • Scholarships of graduating seniors
  • 6th grade trip to NatureBridge
  • Student Support Team for middle and high schools
  • Band to attend Opera
  • Wednesdays in the Woods program for kindergarten
  • Salish Sea curriculum for elementary school
  • 11th grade visit to University of Washington

So let’s all give OIEF a hand and our support.