We need to be glad that at least in one contest there are two qualified candidates.  In this case it is for a seat on the county council.  Our county is in need of stronger leadership and decision making.  In particular, there has been a need for more
pragmatism and less of a tendency to ask for a new study rather than deal with differing opinions. Unfortunately, this is most evident in the fields of zoning and building regulations and endless planning for housing.  Compounding this is the unexplained turnover in staff.
Stephanie O’Day is the better candidate to deal with the problems of indefensible permit delays and ambiguous planning code language. These areas of government are Stephanie’s strengths.  Few people are as well versed in government regulations.  Even
fewer people have had to deal on a pragmatic basis with solving day to day problems of getting something done at the county level.
Recently we have seen the council have a welcome increased resolve to get something done about the ferry system. It is time to augment the council with a new member who is experienced and knowledgeable about how to make government work, rather than delay or waste time.
I’d like you to consider Stephanie O’Day for the County Council.  That’s who we’re voting for.


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