I am writing to clarify my stance on the 32-hour work week for our county. While I believe the County entered into this decision hastily, due to management’s effort to appease the union ask for staff pay raises, I am not opposed to the 32-hour workweek. In fact, I support the move towards a more balanced and health-conscious approach to work. The 32 hour work week is here to stay and that is fine with me.

My concern lies not with the reduced hours but with the implementation plan that resulted in many of our county departments only being open four days a week. It is imperative that our citizens have access to the DMV, Auditor, Assessor and Treasurer’s Offices five days a week.

Access to Health and Community Services is also so important for the people who live here. I strongly believe the County must adopt a staggered schedule, allowing our departments to remain open five days a week. This approach ensures that while our employees benefit from a shorter workweek, that you the public continue to receive the services we all depend on without interruption. It may cost more. But a straight across 20% cut in services is damaging to the people.

The decision was made for budgetary reasons. The County CAN be run more efficiently than it is now. We have to roll up our sleeves and use the taxpayers money thoughtfully and collaboratively and not waste a dime on unnecessary consultants and studies. I am confident that with thoughtful planning and collaboration, we can rework the $290 million two year budget to
support both the well-being of our workforce (with a continued 32 hour work week) and the uninterrupted provision of public services.

Let’s embrace the positive change of a shorter workweek while ensuring our community continues to thrive with full access to county services.

Thank you for allowing me to clarify my position. I look forward to seeing our county lead the way in promoting both employee wellness and exceptional public service.


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