Teri Nigretto and Leith Templin illegally interfere with people’s right to hear


EWUA Director Carol Anderson and a hundred others are seeking the recall of Jim Nelson, Teri Nigretto, Mike Cleveland, and Leith Templin. Anderson and the Recall team set up a booth at the Farmers Market to help answer EWUA members’ questions about this week’s recall.

EWUA President Teri Nigretto intercepts people and blocks access to the RecallWater.com booth at the Farmer’s Market. Fred Klein and Michael Riordan are seated. EWUA Director Carol takes the picture.

Carol Anderson reports, “Leith Templin and her dog were our first visitors. She quickly called Teri Nigretto. They complained to the market manager that the Recall booth was a political group and should not be allowed at the market. Later in the afternoon, most of the recalled board members and the general manager returned to be sure the team was not sharing information.  Harassment and bullying were the theme of the day.

Templin and Nigretto demanded that the market shut down the Recall booth. First, we were asked to take our documents off the table. Teri and Leith stood by the table and stopped people from talking to us.”  Nigretto stood before the booth and prominent sign and intercepted or interrupted conversations regarding the recall.

Eventually, a Farmer’s Market board member asked the Recall team to leave. The Recall team took down all signs and remained in the booth. We talked to people and provided free water to the public.

Nigretto and Templin are wrong about the Farmer’s Market policy on who can exhibit. It was clearly disclosed to the Farmer’s Market manager that this was an educational booth there for the purpose of sharing about the recall effort mounted against some of the EWUA directors. You can see the Farmer’s Market policy
here. https://orcasislandfarmersmarket.org/howtovend/

The RecallWater booth was not a political booth.  In fact, the Farmer’s Market board member indicated that he would ask their bylaws to be revised to preclude this type of booth in the future.

How unfortunate to preclude us citizens from providing information to inform and educate the public.  The Market
succumbed to the lies told by Nigretto and Templin and has made clear that free speech is unacceptable in Eastsound.  Where else can a person provide their free speech opinion, certainly not on the streets of Eastsound or any public property or venues open to the public?    

EWUA is a member-owned association and is not involved in any government politics.  The information was meant to inform and educate the local water users. The Concerned Water Users of Eastsound communicating as Recallwater.com followed the policy and was permitted to have a booth.  Templin and Nigretto, who are both targets of the recall, did not want people to interact with those seeking their removal. Templin and Nigretto illegally interfered with the people’s right to freely express their opinions without being harassed and bullied. 

Free speech denied.


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