In my 20 years on island I have used OIFD services twice and with a firm intention to stay put for my last decade I am voting enthusiastically for THIS proposed levy.

We ARE an island. “Neighbors Helping Neighbors” is not just a slogan, but rather the only way we can function in our unique situation.

We need a well trained corps of volunteers. We need a fire rating that keeps island homeowners insurance premiums from soaring further. We need  mitigation programs for wildfires and we need trust that when multiple calls for these services are made there will be adequate response.

It is with a hard swallow that I acknowledge what a tax increase does to a fixed income at my age. But I believe that the scrutiny that has gone into this proposal makes the additional .22 cents per thousand a very good investment.

I, or you, may need any or all of these services underwritten in the next 5 years before this levy is reviewed, another built in safeguard.
Consider what that means for you, your family, resident or visiting, and I think you will understand the importance of your YES vote.


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