I am pleased to offer my full support for Justin Paulsen for County Council seat #2. As a small business owner, community member, and parent, Justin’s dedication to our island community is unmatched. His involvement in various committees, community initiatives and volunteering in numerous organizations showcases his engagement and commitment to serving the people of San Juan County.

Justin’s leadership skills are evident in his innate ability to listen, bringing people from diverse perspectives together to find solutions to critical issues facing our community.

His passion for preserving our environment, supporting our working-class foundation, and ensuring a bright future for our children is exactly what we need in a County Councilperson.

Common challenges such as transportation, housing, medical access, education, childcare, and alternative energy, Justin has proven time and time again that he is dedicated to representing the voices of all islanders. His track record of service and his ability to engage with the community make him the ideal candidate for County Council.

I encourage you to join me in supporting Justin in the upcoming election. Together, we can make San Juan County an even better place for all residents.


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