Thank you to everyone who supported the Charter amendments.  These changes will result in better and more responsive government for our county.  It is particularly gratifying that Proposition 3 passed with such an overwhelming majority, reflecting voters’ strong desire to ensure transparency in the County Council’s operations.  As its preamble states, the purpose of the Charter is to allow citizens “to exert greater control over the actions of the County government.”  You have done just that.

I’d also like to express my deep appreciation to those of you who thought through the issues and came to different conclusions from those of the Charter Review Commission majority.  On Orcas, especially, the dialogue has been spirited yet respectful, both in the media and at public forums.  I think this encouraged voters to consider the ballot measures carefully, examine the structure and functioning of our county government, and make well-informed decisions.

It was an honor for me to serve on the Charter Review Commission.  My fellow commissioners were interesting, thoughtful and conscientious people who worked hard to do our best for San Juan County.  Thank you for giving me the opportunity to represent Orcas East.

Moana Kutsche