Today I am writing to express my strong support for Kari McVeigh for San Juan County Council. With her extensive large departmental administrative experience plus prior and continuing community service, Kari has demonstrated a deep commitment to serving our community. She will be a thoughtful presence in addressing issues, like the WSF debacle, Council transparency and accessibility, and other major considerations that matter most to us.

Kari’s focus on housing affordability, environmental stewardship, sustainable community development, and effective governance make her the ideal candidate for the County Council. Her knowledge and experience make her a well-rounded candidate. Plus, she’s
just a nice person and approachable. Her dedication to partnering with stakeholders and potentially including alternative energy sources shows her commitment to creating a more inclusive and resilient community for all residents.

I urge you to join me in supporting Kari McVeigh for San Juan County Council. Together, we can work towards a brighter future for our island communities.


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