I’ve worked in a lot of local campaigns since I retired and I have to say that Kari McVeigh is one of the most qualified, prepared candidates it’s been my pleasure to get to know.

She will bring more relevant experience to the job than any county council candidate I’ve seen in a long time. She’s managed and balanced very large budgets (nearly $100 million) and managed a staff of close to 1000. She’s taught leadership, including in the San Juan Island School District. And she’s led the successful effort to build two units of
permanently affordable teacher housing in the Shaw Island School District, where they recently broke ground.

She personally experienced the dysfunction in our Department of Community Development while trying to get the Shaw affordable housing permitted so she understands the need for a timely, efficient permitting process. At the same time, she’s very clear about the need to protect our natural resources and the natural environment that we all value.

She’s a terrific candidate, we’re lucky to have her and she deserves your vote.


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