— from Lukas Peter —

I am Lukas Peter and I am writing to endorse Ron Krebs for Sheriff. I have 8 years of law enforcement experience with the last 5.5 years in San Juan County. I spent my first 4.5 years as a patrol deputy on Lopez Island, and the last year as a detective. I’m very blessed to live and work in this county.

Ron was one of my training officers when I first started. He impressed on me the value of honesty, integrity, and treating all citizens with respect. He impressed on me that everyone, from a homeless man encountered at the Port of Friday Harbor, to a speeding tourist, to a wealthy business owner reporting a crime were due my courteous and full attention.

When I was selected to become a detective, Ron impressed on me the value of operating at all times in a manner that is above reproach.

Since his election, Ron has striven to do what is best for our department and by extension, the community. Equipment has improved with new patrol vehicles and patrol computers. Deputies are offered training opportunities across the state to learn the skills to address problems in our community. Morale in the department is great in part because Ron has recognized “A happy employee is a productive employee”. He has also appointed a very talented, dedicated, and approachable command staff.

Ron is a listener. I’ve seen countless times where citizens have come to the office saying “I want to talk to Ron!” He makes time for them as his schedule allows and hears their concerns. Many times, Ron has traveled to Orcas, Lopez, and Shaw to attend community meetings where citizens voice their concerns over issues such as drugs and domestic violence. He listens to his employees too. I can attest, my fellow deputies and I shared our ideas for combating the drug problem in the community. Ron listened to what we had to say, and has made requests of the council for a narcotics detection dog and another narcotics detective position.

Ron is a leader who leads from the front. He may not wear a uniform every day, but he will not ask his employees to do anything he has not done nor continues to do. I’ve personally worked with him on several difficult scenes involving death and carnage. He’s not afraid to get dirty and work a scene just like every other deputy. Ron has stepped up during staffing crunches when deputies have been sick or on vacation and worked in a patrol capacity, responding to calls and stopping cars in addition to his administrative duties. Just in the last month, Ron piloted a patrol boat to Lopez Island at 3 AM to help us transport a prisoner to jail.

Ron is just the kind of honest, talented, and community oriented law enforcement leader that we need. Vote for Ron!