As an accountant and business owner on San Juan Island, I find myself consistently engaged in discussion regarding our community’s financial and social development.  Many of the limitations circle around housing, employee availability, rising costs and our unique transportation issues.  I have known Justin Paulsen for over 20 years.  In that time, he has proven his dedication and passion for our islands and the issues we are facing.

When we first met, he was active in the Opal housing project Orcas Island.  This project created affordable housing for several families.  Even 20 years ago, he recognized that to sustain our “community”, we need opportunities for home ownership without burden

Although he lives on Orcas Island, he has a family connection that goes back several generations on San Juan Island.  For years, he has coached youth sports with kids from all islands.  He has been known to take a team of interisland kids to tournaments off-island.  Many of you may have met him at the SJ County Fair, not just this last month.  For years he (and his wife, Amber) have played a crucial role in the SJC Fair equestrian and gaming.  This is an annual, week-long commitment for which our entire county benefited.  It has always been apparent he has a passion for youth sport and involvement on all islands.

In the past few years, I have seen a real shift in focus to the current ferry debacle.  I don’t need to go into the details on how the ferry system is an integral part of our community’s financial, medical and social well-being.  Justin has worked diligently to open the lines of communication between the WSF and the people most affected by their inefficiencies.  In addition, he has worked on alternate interisland transportation options to keep commerce “afloat”.

Basically, he is the guy we need to work for Us.  I know he will continue to address our current issues from a county perspective.

Again I ask, please join me in voting for Justin Paulsen as San Juan County Council this upcoming November.

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