Orcas Senior Center (OSC) provides services and opportunities for givers and receivers on both sides of the volunteering equation. My parents died at early ages, so I didn’t get the chance to “pay it forward” with them. Volunteering at OSC allows me to invest in my community in advance of a time when I may need its help.  

OSC greatly expanded its services and activities in 2023. It requires more space to adequately serve the island’s growing population of older adults and their families. OSC has begun a campaign to buy the county’s 49% interest in the building. OSC nonprofit receives no local tax dollars. Nor is it a nursing home! It’s an active community and social service agency for people of all ages and abilities.

Join me in supporting OSC’s capital campaign. Learn more at: www.orcasseniors.org. Please make your tax-deductible donation through OICF at: http://tinyurl.com/OSCBuildingFund. Thank you!