— from David Dehlendorf —

Dirty campaign tricks and other forms of voter suppression are the hallmarks of current (and past) nationwide Republican election strategy. The national press abounds with examples of these activities.

For a particularly egregious example in our state, read the Seattle Times article dated 10/19/18 at https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/politics/conservative-political-group-mailer-called-blatant-voter-suppression-by-democratic-leaders/ about recent bogus campaign mailers created by right-wing Republican Glen Morgan designed to deceive Democratic voters in races for our state legislature in the 6th, 19th, and 26th legislative districts. Particularly disingenuous is the newspaper’s statement that “Morgan on Friday said he sent the mailers because he believes Democrats didn’t nominate candidates who were as progressive as that party wants to be, and he wanted to highlight that.” Since when did Democrats anoint the anti-labor and anti-Democrat Morgan to make such decisions for us?

You may ask: Why should this article concern the voters of San Juan County? For starters, local Republicans and Democrats alike should be outraged whenever there is a subversion of our electoral system and democracy by either party anywhere in the country.

Moreover, their is a link between the activities described in the Seattle Times article and our county’s November 6 election for Prosecuting Attorney. The perpetrator of the described activities is none other than Glen Morgan, whom local candidate Nick Power represents in four legal cases against Island County Democrats and three Democratic Legislative District organizations. (Power also represents the anti-labor Freedom Foundation in a lawsuit against Service Employees International Union 775.) I believe that thoughtful Democratic voters for the Prosecuting Attorney position will disqualify Power, as the San Juan County Democrats did, from consideration of their vote.

Please vote for Randy Gaylord for San Juan County Prosecuting Attorney.