I write in support of Proposition 2.  This is a renewal request for an expiring technology levy for our schools.   It is not a new tax but instead is the 2021 Replacement Capital Projects/Technology Levy which was previously approved by voters.   Its purpose is to replace outdated equipment, update software, and  support the ongoing training of staff such that our students have the education needed to succeed both in school and in their future careers.

The pandemic has certainly shown me how vital technology has been in the continuing education of our students here on Orcas.  I have watched my grandchildren (both college and high school) attend their classes and interact with both their teachers and their peers.  School staff had to quickly adapt, change strategies, and find new ways to deliver education.  They did it through determination, hard work, and through the use of technology.  Technology is an incredible resource in today’s world and it literally saved the day!

Students need to be competent and confident in their technological expertise  as they move forward through their education and into the work place in this ever evolving computerized world in which we live.  Please join me in voting to renew this essential levy.